Vision, Mission and Value Statement for Your Life and Company

A complete guide for helping you to write a powerful Vision, Mission and Value Statement for your personal life, company and business.

Vision Statement – How to write a Vision Statement for your Personal Life, Company and Business

A complete guide for helping you to write a powerful Vision statement for your personal life, company and business.

Think about the dreams you had as a child. You might have aspired to become an astronaut, a doctor, an ice cream maker, or even the next president. But somewhere along the way, we lose sight of these dreams because they seem unattainable or downright crazy.

We often fear that we won’t succeed or question our abilities to stick it through to achieve our goals. Soon enough, we find that we are leading lives we did not specifically envision.

How did that happen?

From an early age, we are conditioned to make life choices from a limited number of options. We make decisions based on what’s laid down in front of us without considering that we have other possibilities.

But if we take some time to get back to those dreams, or build new ones, if we lay down our aspirations on paper, we can find new dreams that inspire us. This is why a vision statement is so key to create a life that’s true to our aspirations.

What is a Vision Statement?

When you wake up each morning, what guides your decisions about what to do throughout the day and the intended outcome out of it all? Are they things that you have to do or things that you get to do and want to do?

A vision statement allows you to have more control over your own life and design your everydays in a way that they are aligned with the vision you craft for yourself. It sets guidelines for you that are not up to the expectations of your boss or people around you but in line with the direction you choose for yourself.

Personal Vision Statement

Think about your day to day life. From the moment we wake up, we face so many distractions and it’s easy to lose sight of what matters most to us and get disconnected from our life vision. We get side tracked by other people’s agendas, prioritising their interests before our own, or simply being stuck on social media.

A personal vision statement in simple terms just outlines where you want to go in life. It aims at inspiring you to focus on the important things by giving you better clarity about your goals for the future.

Corporate Vision Statement

When starting out, Instagram aimed at capturing and sharing the world’s moments while Nike envisioned bringing “Inspiration and motivation to every athlete in the world.” Every successful company starts with a well-crafted vision statement that acts as its North Star. It describes the company’s future position with outlined goals shaping a roadmap that guides the business direction.

What it does is it offers employees and other stakeholders an explanation about the company’s growth and future. It directly impacts the long-term success of the business by clarifying the company’s ambition and engaging its employees. Research suggests that when employees understand and fully adopt their company’s vision statement they become 68% more engaged in the business, and they also end up being effective brand ambassadors.

The Purpose And Significance Of A Vision Statement

Whether it’s clearing your student loans, buying your dream home, getting your business off the ground, or starting up a family by a certain date; you are the best one to tell what the most important goals are in your life. A vision statement helps to put all your goals into perspective by clearly identifying what you are aiming at and helps you prioritize in order to decide what really matters to you.

The Purpose And Significance Of A Personal Vision Statement For your Life

Many people have clearly set goals, projects, and tasks at work — but how many of us have so much clarity about our personal goals?

A personal vision statement focuses on YOU as an individual. It creates a form of snapshot of a desired future state. Having it clearly written down also provides a source of reference that you can check back regularly to make sure that you stay on course.

A personal vision statement acts as a compass and helps you envision how you want your life to be while actively working on making it happen. With this clarity, you can work through challenging times and fight doubts that might occur on the way.

While your written down goals won’t necessarily get rid of the distractions you face in life, they inspire you to focus on what matters most. Having a personal vision statement to reflect upon also helps you ask important questions like:

  1. What’s the impact you want to create in the world with what you do?
  2. What lifestyle changes are you willing to make in order to move towards your goals?
  3. What would you do if you knew you could not fail? If money and time would not be factors?

These first few questions helps you reflect on your personal vision and discover your aspirations and beliefs. These values and purposes become firmly imprinted in your mind and guide your everyday choices from the moment you wake up to the time you go back to sleep.

The Purpose And Significance Of A Vision Statement For Your Business Or Company

When it comes to your business or career, there are similarly goals and aspirations that you want to achieve in the long run. In the company set up, a vision statement serves several purposes including:

  1. Guiding the management to make strategic decisions related to business changes and advancements.
  2. Defining performance standards and serving as a foundation for a broader strategic plan.
  3. Inspiring and motivating employee productivity by outlining focus areas. It also serves as a tool for attracting potential employees by detailing common goals.
  4. Guiding employees through decision making processes.
  5. Establishing an ethical behavior framework.
  6. It also helps in creating better communication and linkages with customers as well as suppliers.
  7. Functions as a public relations and marketing tool. It can form the foundation for marketing campaigns and messages to align with the company’s direction and overall vision.
  8. Companies can also use it to enlist external support by explaining what makes them stand out from competitors. For example, profit is a common business goal, and vision statements typically describe how a company will become profitable rather than listing profit directly as the long-term vision

Best Examples of Personal Vision Statements

To get an idea about what a personal vision statement looks like, let us look at some written by leaders, CEOs, entrepreneurs, and visionaries.

“My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.” Maya Angelou

“I shall not fear anyone on Earth. I shall fear only God. I shall not bear ill will towards anyone. I shall not submit to injustice from anyone. I shall conquer untruth by truth. And in resisting untruth, I shall put up with all suffering.” Mahatma Gandhi

“To be a teacher and to be known for inspiring my students to be more than they thought they could be.” Oprah Winfrey

“To have fun in my journey through life and learn from my mistakes.” Richard Branson

Best Examples of Business/ Corporate Vision Statements

“To help people save money so they can live better.” Walmart

“Apple is committed to bringing the best personal computing experience to students, educators, creative professionals and consumers around the world through its innovative hardware, software and Internet offerings.” Apple

“At Microsoft, we work to help people and businesses throughout the world realize their full potential. This is our mission. Everything we do reflects this mission and the values that make it possible.” Microsoft

“Walt Disney Company is to be one of the world’s leading producers and providers of entertainment and information. Using our portfolio of brands to differentiate our content, services and consumer products, we seek to develop the most creative, innovative and profitable entertainment experiences and related products in the world.” The Walt Disney Company

“To organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.” Google

How to Create an Inspiring Vision Statement for Your Personal Life

The process of coming up with a personalized vision statement is comparable to creating a budget. Much like dedicating funds for different budget items, creating a vision statement involves allocating time and energy to different actions and processes that are necessary to help you live your envisioned life.

When you think about your life, how would you like to live it and what do you need to get there? Answering these questions helps to shape your personal vision statement. You want to end up with something that speaks to your aspirations and can inspire you. It should touch on your physical well-being, work, spirituality, leisure, and family.

In general, a personal vision statement should integrate the following:

Your abilities, skills and expertise – we are all good at something. It’s equally important to identify your abilities and focus on strengthening your talents to feed into your goals. Doing things that bring you happiness and joy keep you motivated as well as productive.

Values – you have beliefs that you stand for and they directly influence your actions. Your values also drive the personal decisions you make at different stages in life.

Personal growth – it’s equally important to seek knowledge with the aim of increasing your effectiveness and contribution to better yourself and others.

Personality – let your vision statement merge with your personality type. If you are an extrovert by nature, seek out opportunities to collaborate with others if it feeds into your long-term vision.

Writing it all down helps compact your thoughts, and the following questions can guide you further:

  1. What do you aspire to be in life if finances and time were not a factor?
  2. What are your beliefs and values?
  3. What abilities, skills, or expertise do you have?
  4. What do you want to have accomplished at the end of your life?

Answer the questions in statement form and in present tense as if they are already a part of your life. Most personal statements are just a few sentences long and experts suggest about limiting it to 50 words or less.

How to Create an Inspiring Vision Statement for Your Business

The purpose, values, and goals of a business play a key role in shaping its individual vision statement. It often seem like drafting a company vision statement is overwhelming because it may involve input from several employees in different ranks. However, it all just comes down to weaving together the already existing information about the business.

Likewise, a business vision statement should ideally be a sentence to a few paragraphs long. It should also take the tone of a catchy phrase or tagline and should be something memorable and smart. Most importantly, it should relate to your business culture and team dynamics. A company vision statement should not try to sell a specific product or service.

The following aspects can guide the process of creating a vision statement for your business:

Business goals – a collaborative review of your company’s long-term goals shapes a clear direction where the business should head.

Brand values – it should also correlate with how employees are to conduct themselves to speak to what your business stands for.

Describe an outcome – what gaps are there in your industry that your business hopes to fill? It should ideally be something that nobody else is doing or has thought of before.

Business legacy – how would you like people to remember your organization or what footprint do you want your company to leave behind?

There is nothing wrong with your business vision statement coming across as daring or even disagreeable. You want it to challenge your operations and if anything, motivate stakeholders to steer the business to greater heights.

The Takeaway

Your actions are driven by the goals you have in life and your actions in turn yield results. A personal vision statement and business vision statement provide a roadmap outlining your goals and how you intend to achieve them. It speaks to who you are as a person or your brand. A vision statement is also something that you can restructure along the way, but most importantly, it shines a light on the paths that you should take to get to where you want to be.

With a personal or business vision statement, you can go ahead and chase after your goals with better clarity about how to achieve your desires.

Mission Statement – How To Write a Mission Statement for your Personal Life, Company and Business

A complete guide for helping you to write a powerful mission statement for your personal life, company and business.

What Is A Mission Statement?

A mission statement is a precise picture of a firm’s objective, recognizing the aim of its functions, the type of product or services offered, geographical area of functioning and its primary clients. This might consist of a short statement as the company’s philosophies or values, a firm’s primary competitive benefits or an anticipated future state.

A mission isn’t merely a descriptive statement of a firm by a foreign party. It is an expression by the founders of their intent and desires for the company. The objective of a mission statement is to emphasize and give directions to the firm itself. It connects the people who constitute the company, be it the employees or its stakeholders. This helps them understand the firm’s projected direction.

The same way you define the primary focus of a company — you can set a mission statement for yourself as well which will be a guiding force in your personal life.

Personal Mission Statement

A personal mission statement is a straightforward statement that spells out, what you are passionate about and what you wish to do in life. Reflecting on your mission statement regularly will help you keep going towards fulfilling your most desired goals without losing motivation on the way.

Forming a mission statement is sometimes challenging, and it takes some effort and time. But once you have that clarity in front of you, you’ll be more driven to do everything else in your everyday life. You are going to abbreviate yourself and your goals into a benchmark with the intention to navigate the future. This needs soul-searching and careful work to create something that moves and excites you emotionally over time.

Mission Statement For Your Business Or Organization

A mission statement helps to specify what an organization is and the reason for its existence. It should clearly express who your primary clients are, what your geographical functioning areas will be, what makes you different from the rivals, and the types of products and services you deliver. It provides inspiration, direction, and focus to stakeholders and employees. It also gives an idea to clients or customers about what to anticipate from the business.

It is essential to review your mission statement periodically and keep it aligned with your vision. You also need to keep in mind that the mission statement precisely signifies the goals of your business over time or economic climate progress and it has to be aligned with the changes your company is going through. If it’s not reflecting the objectives of the firm accurately, than you can revise it later. A change in the mission of an organization generally means that the firm is progressing.

The Purpose And Significance Of A Mission Statement

Here’s why a mission statement can bring fundamental change into your personal life or business — and why you should invest some time in solidifying it.

The Purpose And Significance Of A Mission Statement For Your Personal Life

A personal mission statement is an essential element of personal and leadership development. They compel you to evaluate your life, interpret its objective, and to recognize what is the most important to you that you would not compromise on for anything in return.

Personal mission statements also push you to define your aspirations and values as precisely as possible. It helps to create an blueprint of your objectives and values in your mind to make them a part of your everyday decisions. That way, you can make your personal mission a foundation for your weekly or monthly goals and habits. When you do that, you gain clarity over priorities in your personal life because your mission is steadily in front of you. It can guide you when you build your weekly schedule, make career choices, or decide which one of your friends you should dedicate more time to — since they are also aligned with your mission in life.

A mission statement for your personal life forces you to lead your life with defined objectives and serves as a reminder of the things that you wish to achieve in life.

And the best part? You have total freedom to craft the statement that’s true to your soul, because this is your life — and no one else can tell you how to live it better than yourself. It’s immensely fulfilling to design the life that you want to live without other people’s expectations and, perhaps, gain back control over your life.

The everyday hurdles won’t affect you anymore because you don’t focus on small problems, you are drawn towards your ultimate mission in life that you are here to fulfil.

Purpose and Significance Of Mission Statement For Your Business Or Company

The mission statement of a business drives the company in the correct direction and helps the organization make healthy decisions which can even be favorable for the revenue stream. In the absence of a particular mission statement, an organization might struggle to plan for the future.

It is specifically recommended for small organizations to express their company’s mission statement on paper at the very beginning so that they can run the business successfully. Why? Because if customers, clients, and investors don’t understand straight away what you’re doing and why you’re different from all the other offers they hear every single day, they will turn away before you could pitch your business to them.

A mission statement is also a key element of retention. Research has shown that millennials don’t choose their workplace primarily based on location, the job role, or even the salary. They choose based the business whose mission they most associate themselves with and they are willing to compromise on other perks to find the right fit.

No matter what you’re selling, if you dream big and aim to bring a positive change into the world, people will follow you and invest in your idea.

The Best Examples Of A Personal Mission Statement

Looking for a cue on how to create your own personal mission statement? Here are a few by some notable leaders, CEOs, and visionaries.

“To serve as a leader, live a balanced life, and apply ethical principles to make a significant difference.” – Denise Morison

“To use my gifts of intelligence, charisma, and serial optimism to cultivate the self-worth and net-worth of women around the world.” – Amanda Steinberg

“To develop next generation diagnostics to provide a better life.” – Sanjeev Saxena

“I define personal success as being consistent to my own personal mission statement: to love God and love others.” – Joel Manby

“To constantly be striving to be the best version of myself—in my job, with my health and fitness, with my relationships with family and friends, and with my emotional well-being.” – Katie Arnold

“I want to make it so that every person in the world can afford to start their own business.” – John Rampton

“You have to be willing to venture where nobody else is willing to go as well as provide a service that everyone needs.” – Craig Clark

The Best Examples Of Vision Statements For Businesses

Here are some simple but powerful statements successful companies made before they became top brands.

“To give everyone the power to create and share ideas and information instantly, without barriers.” – Twitter

“To make it easy to do business anywhere.” – Alibaba Group

“To help bring creative projects to life.” – Kickstarter

“Utilize the power of Moore’s Law to bring smart, connected devices to every person on earth.” – Intel

“To help people around the world plan and have the perfect trip.” – TripAdvisor

“To provide authentic hospitality by making a difference in the lives of the people we touch every day” – Hyatt

“To attract and attain customers with high-valued products and services and the most satisfying ownership experience in America.” – Toyota

“Offering all women and men worldwide the best of cosmetics innovation in terms of quality, efficacy and safety” – Loreal

How To Write An Inspiring Mission Statement For Your Personal Life? (With Steps)

Your mission statement will be your best friend when looking for some direction and clarity in any area of your life. Creating a personal mission statement give a chance to determine what matters most to you and how you can achieve it.

While the statement itself seems short and simple, it is the distillation and essence of several aspects of your life.

Guiding Steps for helping you to write a A Personal Mission Statement

Step  1-  List Down Your Past Successes:

What are you most proud of in your life so far? What has been your biggest achievement? Make a list of your most cherished success moments in your career, family life, passion projects, personal growth, and relationships. Once you have that, recognise some common elements in these achievements.

Step 2- Recognize Your Core Values:

What are the values that you never compromise on? What values are you looking for in other people and show to others? A list of your strengths and core values will give you awareness about who you are and who are the people you would like to create and connect with.

Step 3- Identify Your Contribution:

Based on your past successes and your core values, how can you make the world a better place? How can you help others live a better, happier life? Make a list of possible ways you can make a difference.

Step 4 – Write Down Your Mission Statement:

Now that you have these 3 elements in place, it’s time to compile them into a statement. Try to keep it short and use words that speak to your heart. This will be your personal mission statement to define your intentions in every area of your life.

How to write a Mission Statement for Your Company or Business (With Steps)

Guiding Steps for helping you to write a Business Mission Statement

Whether you run a startup or a multi-million dollar enterprise, a mission statement will help you keep your eyes on what’s important — and ultimately writer a success story. Drafting a formal mission statement adds value to your organization and align the employees to work in accordance with it. In order to create an effectual mission statement, all you need is to follow the mentioned steps:

Step 1 -Do some research:

Take a look at how other companies in your industry formulate their mission statements. If your company has already been in operation for a while, go through previous presentations and documents that your team used to introduce the organization to your stakeholders.

Step 2 – Involve key decision makers:

Bring all your advisors, your executive team, and leadership into a room and organize a brainstorm to identify the values and the contribution that your company stands for. If you’re just starting out, it’s enough to bring your first hires into the room or people whose opinion you trust about your company.

Step 3 – Create your statement:

Now that you have opinions from multiple people, it’s time to find the recurring patterns between them. The thoughts that occur the most often will be the foundation for your mission statement. If you struggle to word it into one compelling sentence, hire a consultant who will do it for you.

Step 3 – Publish it:

A mission statement is meant to be a public announcement. It’s time to put it on your website, send out a press release, and share it with every single customer and employee. This will be your compass for your company’s future endeavors to keep you on track.


When working on crafting a mission statement, it’s key to be honest to your own ideals as an individual or a business owner. Think critically about how you want your life or business to improve and perform over the years. Once you have clarity about it, stick to it while working towards your goals of growing as a person, or a productive business.

In the end, your mission statement might sound too simple, especially after putting in hours of thinking into it and involving different people to contribute with their views. But don’t be mistaken, that’s exactly how the world can understand your or your company’s intentions — by conveying all your values and aspirations in one powerful sentence to them.

The Difference Between A Vision and A Mission Statement

Vision and mission are phrases that people often mistake with each other, especially in the business world. But in fact, they are two very distinct concepts for organizations — and for individuals as well.

The difference between a vision and a mission generally gets blurred and torments firms of all kind and size. However, when it comes to the direction and drive of your company or even your personal life, understanding these definitions is key.

What Is A Vision Statement?

A vision statement is a declaration that specifies the company’s long term aspirations for the future. It defines a big and bold goal that the organization is striving to achieve which doesn’t change over time.

This can be anything from making people’s everyday life easier and more enjoyable to saving the environment of the planet. It is a purpose that’s so big, it almost seems unattainable, but that’s exactly why it’s inspiring.

Having a well defined clarity personal vision for your life or a vision statement for your company defines your or your company’s identity — and it also makes it easier to introduce yourself in social settings.

What Is A Mission Statement?

A mission statement portrays the motive and objective of an organization. It declares what the company’s doing and describes its everyday operations for clients, customers, and employees.

It’s the foundation for building a strategy, bringing in new technology and innovations, launching products and services, and establishing the company’s presence in the market.

A mission statement should be written in a way that it answers the following questions:

  1. What we do as an organization?
  2. How do we do it?
  3. And for whom do we do it?

The mission statement describes the primary function of the firm and displays it in front of the world. It needs to be transparent and clear in order for stakeholders to understand why they should be interested in the business, including investors, shareholders, creditors, suppliers, clients, partners, and even competitors.

The Main Differences Between A Mission & A Vision Statement

Here are the key differences between the mission and the vision of an organization.

What is it about?

A vision statement outlines the purpose of a company, the direction the company is heading to. A mission statement tells how do the organization will achieve that goal and get to that destination.

What does it answer?

A mission statement is the answer to ‘what do we do?’ and ‘why are we different?’ A vision statement explains ‘where are we heading to?’

How do they relate to time?

The mission of a firm is about the present steering to its future. Whereas, a vision of the organization talks about the future itself.

Is it fixed or flexible?

The mission of a firm might change over time adjusting the business to client needs, but the vision is the core foundation of the firm, and therefore it might slightly evolve but fundamentally never changes.

Creating your own vision and mission statement for your company or for yourself as an individual will help you gain clarity over the direction you’re heading to and how you might get there — which makes it easier for you to set goals that are aligned with your own or your company’s passion and interests.

Value Statement – How To Write A Value Statement For your Personal Life, Company and Business

A complete guide for helping you to write a powerful value statement for yourself (personal life), company and business.

A value statement is a short and powerful statement that expresses the values that are most important to you. When people read this statement, they will straight away know what type of person you are or who they are getting in business with.

You don’t need to be afraid to vocalize your values, even if it turns some people away. This is a filter for you to know who are the ones that are on board with you on your journey and who are not while you are marching towards your goals.

On the other hand, this will also serve as a measuring stick to evaluate your growth so that you can stay true to your core beliefs. It is a description of the values that play the most important part in your life. It’s all up to you to decide what goes in it and whom you’re sharing it with. But first and foremost, it will give you clarity personally and remind you of your and your company’s characteristics.

Your value statement equips you with a moral compass. This compass will help you to stick with the correct course of action without being affected by the problems or challenges that may appear on the way. A value statement will also guide you in your decision making.

Personal Value Statement

Have you ever wondered what are the actual effect of your decisions? Why you have a preference of one scenario over another? It’s all related to your core beliefs and values which describes you as a person, in short, your personal value system. These values are the basis on which your principles, beliefs, dreams, and ideas are based. The values reveal what is important to you, what you believe in, what you stand up for and characterize you as a person. You might not always consciously pay attention to these values but they very much impact everything you do.

Personal values emerge from our family, our colleagues and friends, and the environment that we were brought up in. People who spend a significant amount of time with us leave a mark on the way we think in act, and consequently our choices in life. We can learn responsibility, truthfulness, compassion, and confidence from them. We can adapt values such as loyalty, ambition, integrity, and dedication. And ultimately it’s our free will to choose everything from the good and nothing from the bad, to leave some values behind and put on some new ones from mentors, teachers, and friends along the way. Our own combination of values is unique to us and it expresses how we see the world and what we expect from others.

As you identify your personal value statement, learning your negative values is also essential so you can be aware of them and make a change if you choose to. That way you can stay away from situations that are against your value-system and it will guide you to maintain a balance in your life and to make better decisions.

A Value Statement For Your Business Or Company

In any organization, be it a firm or even a school, a value statement is essential. These statements help you recognize and communicate the core values of the organization. These values turns into a model for employees while following their code of conduct.

The values of an organization is the foundation of its culture. When the employees of a company agree on common beliefs and values, it supports a stronger cohesion between them so that they can head towards a common goal together, in agreement.

These values represent themselves in even how the office space looks like, what criteria leaders look at when receiving new hires, and what rituals employees do together as a team.

The Purpose And Significance Of A Value Statement For Personal Life

Each and every day, we face hundreds of decisions in our lives. The amount of time we allocate to ourselves, our loved ones, and our work, forgiving someone who hurt us or saying goodbye to them, making a decision between two opportunities.

How do we know what’s right and what’s wrong?

The truth is, in most cases nothing is truly ‘right’ or ‘wrong.’ But one way is more right for us than the other because of how we choose to live our lives. A value statement reminds us what are the things we don’t compromise on and what matters to us regardless of what our family and friends, teachers and preachers consider right for us.

For example, as you become the part of the business world, choose a new career or job, it is the perfect time to take your personal values into consideration so you know which organization to support with all those hours worked hard. So find out what is the most valuable and important virtue in your life, or at least in this particular phase of your life.

Being familiar with our personal values prevents us from being easily swayed by other people’s opinion. This way you also won’t feel pressure to execute something that is against your beliefs and with courage, you can speak up against these requests. Values help us stick to our decisions even if our peers try to convince us about the opposite.

The Purpose And Significance Of A Value Statement For A Business

The core values of an organization support the vision, and shapes the culture of the firm. They are the lifeblood of the firm’s individuality, its principles, and its philosophy. Many organizations focus only on competencies when it comes to evaluating its teams and new hires — when values are way more important in order to maintain a healthy company culture.

The first round of interviews should always focus on core values and not core competencies because if the belief system of a person is not aligned with the company’s, then no amount of experience will fix that. Similarly, when a team’s performance is evaluated, the right practice of values should get either attention.

Values also guide the firm in its policymaking and decision-making procedures. For instance, if the business value of your firm is based on the quality of its products and it isn’t matching up to the desired standard than those products should automatically get eliminated. The values of an organization educates the potential customers and clients about what kind of firm they are dealing with and what they can expect from it. Look at Apple: the company’s core value is creativity — and the company never fails to innovate on its products and make them distinct from other products on the market.

How A Value Statement Changes The Way You Look In Other People’s Eyes

Every successful individual and organization has values which are consciously chosen. As they say, if you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything.

This, of course, doesn’t mean that you cannot change your mind over time. It’s a false, and unfortunately common belief that those people who change their mind are weak — it is the very sign of progress, positive change, and strength to admit that you have been wrong, or that something simply doesn’t serve you anymore.

But what’s most important is that your values shouldn’t be defined by others, they should come from your own heart and conviction. In fact, people who stick to their values and speak up when their values are violated carry tremendous power and they are immensely attractive.

The Best Examples Of Value Statements From Businesses

Here are some core values that companies operate and make decisions based on.


  1. Stewardship
  2. The Best People
  3. Client Value Creation
  4. One Global Network
  5. Respect for the Individual\
  6. Integrity


  1. Performance: Sport is the foundation for all we do and executional excellence is a core value of our Group.
  2. Passion: Passion is at the heart of our company. We are continuously moving forward, innovating, and improving.
  3. Integrity: We are honest, open, ethical, and fair. People trust us to adhere to our word.
  4. Diversity: We know it takes people with different ideas, strengths, interests, and cultural backgrounds to make our company succeed. We encourage healthy debate and differences of opinion.

Ben and Jerry’s Ice-Cream

1. We strive to minimize our negative impact on the environment.

2. We strive to show a deep respect for human beings inside and outside our company and for the communities in which they live.

3. We seek and support nonviolent ways to achieve peace and justice. We believe government resources are more productively used in meeting human needs than in building and maintaining weapons systems.

4. We strive to create economic opportunities for those who have been denied them and to advance new models of economic justice that are sustainable and replicable.

5. We support sustainable and safe methods of food production that reduce environmental degradation, maintain the productivity of the land over time, and support the economic viability of family farms and rural communities.

How To Write An Inspiring Personal Value Statement for your Life (with Steps)

Your core values are made to inspire and guide you and others. Here are some steps that will help you craft your own value statement.

Step 1- Reflect And Research:

Gain inspiration from other value statements or list of values and identify the ones that you most resonate with. Think about your past actions and the best decisions you made in the past — which values were the leading force behind these choices?

Step2 – Ask People Who Know You Well:

Sometimes our values are so engraved in us and form such an elemental part of our innate nature that they are invisible for us. That’s when a second eye comes handy. Ask family and friends about what are your best values, what do they admire in you, and what they consider your unique strength. Look for the common elements in these responses to see what values you exercise most often and add them to your list.

Step 3 – Look At Your Strengths And Weaknesses:

If values sounds too vague, maybe it’s easier to examine your strength and weaknesses so you know what you need to improve on and what you can leverage best in your character. Oftentimes, weaknesses also talk about our values because these are the parts of ourselves that we are not happy with — which is likely because some of our actions are not aligned with our values.

Step 4 – It’s Time To Make A Statement:

Now that you have all these inputs, it’s time to formulate them into a statement. It’s up to you if you want to simply make a list of single-worded values or if you want to expand them in a statements, or even multiple statements.

How To Write An Inspiring Value Statement For Your Company or Business

If you have a workforce that can strive for a joint goal and clients having faith in your purpose, then glory will surely follow you. Here are some suggestions on how to create a value statement for your organization.

Get Everyone Involved:

To get the most effective value statement you should ask for everyone’s input and try to recognize each of them. Arrange a board-level meeting or create a form that all employees can fill.

Revaluate The Brand Of The Organization:

Take a look at the vision and mission of your organization. What values are inevitable for you to stick to in order to get to that goal in the future? What values will help you make the right decision when it comes to acquiring new clients or giving up a stake from your company?

Bring Experts To The Table:

Consultants can be extremely helpful in these kind of organizational processes. Ask your advisors how you can best take everyone’s view into account and come to a common conclusion.

It’s Time To Make A Statement:

The above points will help you formulate your value statement that will be your new compass. Once you have it, you can showcase it on your website and even frame it to hang it up on your wall or a place in the office where everyone can see it daily. When clients visit your office, this will give them the right impression about who they are getting in business with.

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