Coding Goals for Your Life

Most people would agree that the Olympic Games ranks among the world’s most rigorous, respected and legendary trials of achievement. An Olympic Gold is a mark of extreme and exacting expertise, glory won through training, practice, passion and determination. By those standards, one young Jamaican could be called a legend in his own time. His name is Usain St Leo Bolt, but he is known […]

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Developing A Power Action Plan

It always starts with a thought in the head. ● Nicolai Tesla liked to walk alone because he could think. During one of those walks, at age 26, an idea bloomed in his head for an electric motor that could generate a brushless alternating current. There was some sand by the path, and it is said that he used a stick to draw his first […]

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Make An Agreement with the Universe Make an Agreement with Yourself

Have you ever been a Boy Scout while you were in school? If you have, you will know that the Scouts’ Law has 12 point in it, each of which is a goal for the scout, and he tries to live up to it every day, even though it may not always be easy. A scout is supposed to be trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, […]

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Get Ready – Create A Space For Success

You have already travelled quite far from where you started. Your hard work has given you clarity about your Vision, Mission and Goals. Based on these, you entered into an agreement with the Universe, committing to give your 100% to achieving your vision, mission and goals. The next stage of your journey is readiness. It is probably the most powerful part of your journey for […]

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Create Your Success Board

The tools you need to manifest your Goals in life have always been with you and around you but escaped your notice. When you recognize them and create a space to make them visible in your daily life, they help you visualize your success. This activates the innate creativity of your subconscious mind and programs your brain to use the resources available to you. The […]

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